February 24th, 2009 categories: Moving, Seattle Times misc. articles

The Seattle Times article: "Movers aim to unpack warm feelings of home" Feb. 22, 2009
I read in last Sunday’s edition of “The Seattle Times “, in the Job Market section (and no, I was not job hunting, I read Daneen Skube’s weekly column “Interpersonal Edge “) and there I found an interesting article on a growing niche moving service. This moving service specializes in working with Seniors who need to down size, moving from their homes filled with a lifetime of possessions, to smaller, more manageable homes.
In the article by Thomas Heath: “
Movers aim to unpack warm feeling of home ” Heath writes that these movers are specializing in helping Seniors to minimize the sad reality of moving from their home, with all it’s familiar furnishings and memories, to a smaller place that simply cannot accommodate all their treasures.
These movers known as “Move Management Consultants“, help not only with the physical move, but can also help with determining what to keep and more. Everyone knows how stressful packing up and moving can be, then when you add the stress of downsizing from 2400sf (or more) to a 900sf (or less) condo or apt. and experiencing the sense of loss that comes from having to get rid of many familiar and beloved things, it becomes overwhelming.
The article is very interesting with all the services that the Move Management Consultants offer their aging clients, it looks to be a very good, and much needed service to help a growing segment of the population. Unfortunately after Googling “Move Management Consultant” for the Seattle area, I found no local businesses. That is too bad, the article said there were about 500 businesses offering these types of services, but apparently none in Seattle to help Seniors to move. The company who the article was written about, “
Transitional Assistance and Design “, is based in Maryland.
So entrepreneurs in Seattle, here is a great idea for an opportunity to help Seniors with their downsizing move !
Update: Christy Urdel from
NextStep Transitions stopped by and left a comment to let me know about her Seattle Specialty Moving Company and 8 others, so check out the comments for more. Thank you Christy!
Spoken by Deborah Burns |